Internet consultant
hits paydirt with own site
When you are paid for the advice you
give, it’s often appropriate to put your money where your
mouth is. It’s also often more profitable. Local Internet
consultant Michael Krueger, who owns Planet Internet
Solutions, recently experienced that scenario when he saw a
boom in his own online endeavor, www.kruegerbooks.com, an
online bookstore which specializes in rare, signed and first
edition books. The store opened two years ago as a hobby
but, within the past six months, word of mouth brought booming
business to his virtual door. “Of course, I’ve done all the
search engines, but I’ve never really paid to get a high
listing or done any advertisements,” said Krueger. “I think
people are just finding out about it. My hits are really
starting to go up.” Now Krueger has become much more
serious about the venture and is pumping his heart into the
project. In order to keep customers coming back, Krueger
included additional free information and services through the
site. One page includes photographic examples of over 500
author autographs, while another is a museum of unique
bookmarks. Krueger also included links to other articles
and book exhibits, as well as a bulletin board for book
collectors. Another factor in the design of the site was
giving it the right feel for its customers. The site, which
Krueger himself designed, is wallpapered by bookshelves,
bricks and wood paneling to match the feel of a brick-and
mortar rare bookstore. “I tried to give an experience like
you’re actually looking at the shelves,” said Krueger. “You
might say it’s an old fashioned look. Some people just love
that.” The main thrust of the site remains Krueger’s own
inventory of books for sale, which are listed in a
database-driven search engine. Searcher return with images of
the book and the signature (if applicable), as well as
pertinent information about the item, including price. A
little over 100 books, collected by Krueger over the past five
years, are currently included in the inventory. Krueger is
currently in talks with other dealers to expand the
Tucson tackles environment Global
air and climate quality concerns brought over 700 delegates to
Tucson last week for the fourth International Electric
Utilities Environmental Conference. Sponsored by local
business, the conference focused on new technical
developments, policy implementations and other topics
involving electric utilities. Officials were also interested
in gauging the process of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce
greenhouse gases emissions. Environmental Protection
Agency, Department of Energy, Electric Power Research
Institute and Edison Electric Institute experts presented over
200 papers on emerging strategies, including environmental
legislation integration with deregulation.
explains cyber-law In the ever-changing world of
Internet communications, copyright laws sometimes seem as
tangled as the World Wide Web itself. For those seeking
some explanation of electronic copyrights and other electronic
communication laws, local attorney Michael F. McNulty will be
discussing these issues at a Feb. 1 luncheon. Working for
Brown and Bain, McNulty specializes in telecommunications,
computer software licensing and governmental affairs. His
client list includes StarNet, Cox and ITASA. Sponsored by
the International Association of Business Communicators, the
meeting will take place at 11:45 a.m. in the Doubletree Hotel.
The cost is $17 for IABC members with reservations and $25 for
others. For more information, contact Jonathan
Pinkney-Baird at 624-1761.
Rowe becomes Accelint
Rowe Technology Ventures, which launched last year,
officially changed its name to Accelint. The name combines
the company’s position as a business accelerator with its
international focus. The new Web address is
www.accelint.com. |
Michael Krueger of KruegerBooks.com
Visit KruegerBooks.com
Visit Planetlinks.com
Bookman’s plans to open store on city’s east
festival looks back, plans next phase supercalifragalistic